29 November 2008

Finally....I Have Come Back...

So it has definitely been a while...

School has been killer, work has been even more so, and it won't get any better soon, but I thought I would drop in this little bit of stuff.

1. College Football Tournament
I saw this on Deadspin today and I thought I would share. If we had a playoff in college football featuring 8 teams that started after this week, it would look like this...

1. Alabama 11-0
8. Penn State 11-1

2. Texas 10-1
7. Texas Tech 10-1

3. Oklahoma 10-1
6. Utah 12-0

4. Florida 10-1
5. USC 9-1

I see nothing wrong with that at all, in fact, I think all of those games are at least interesting. Bama and former number 3 Penn State, a rematch of the Texas and Texas Tech game that was very fun to watch, Oklahoma taking on a non-BCS team given their past with those, and Florida and USC which would be fun to watch at any time. Plus, you can still play the championship games next week and start this on December 20, play all 4 first round games and play the next round on the 27th, then the championship on Jan 5 like it would be anyway. You can take all of the lesser bowls and offer those up to everyone outside of the top 8 tournie so they can share in extra bowl money and let those serve like the NIT does in basketball. It's amazing, and it took me 5 minutes. Now do your job, Mr. Obama.

2. Alabama is Number 1
I'm a huge Alabama fan. While not as much as I am a fan of the NFL, I do love me some Tide. I am also loving this season as it was a complete shock to me. I didn't see this coming at all, but hot damn I hope they keep it up, and yes, I do honestly think they can beat Florida.

3. Denver Broncos are on Top of the AFC West
Don't get me wrong, it has been hideous, but I'm still loving it because they're right about where I expected them to be. They should finish 10-6 and make the playoffs on top of the division, from there I don't expect much more than maybe 1 and done, but they might surprise a lot of people. And, and, and...Jay Cutler is a beast and a half. Also, picks back next season.

4. Graduation In 3 Weeks
Yes, I graduate college in 3 weeks. I have no clue what I'm going to do, no clue where I am going to go, and no clue on what I think I want to do, and I wouldn't have it any other way. It's going to be a glorious glorious day/night/weekend full of a lot of fun.

5. Christmas and all that it Entails
It's back, just like me. Christmas is coming and very exciting to have here since it will probably be the last year that I get anything good at all. After this I'm going to be done being spoiled and I'll have to buy stuff for myself...damn. On second thought, I'm not excited for that at all.

Keep Rollin Rollin Rollin Rollin...