20 November 2009
No More Bye Week!
14 November 2009
Week 10...Is The Bye Week Run Over?
Lucas' week 9 picks...he got 6 right, atl, pats, texans, cards, sea, 49, pack, kc, cinn, no, nyg, phi, den
Week 10...
07 November 2009
NFL Week 9
ATL over WAS
ARI over CHI - They are who we thought they were...shitty even with Cutlerfucker
BAL over CIN
HOU over IND
JAX over KC
MIA over NE - This one is for you, Lupus
GB over TB
NO over CAR
SEA over DET
NYG over SD
SF over TEN
PHI over DAL
DEN over PIT - All attributed to Ty Law...no, not really.
A blast from the past, let's take it to Cobra-La...
18 October 2009
So...I can't do math...
Cin over Hou
GB over Det
Jax over STL
Bal over Min
NYG over NO
Pit over Cle
Car over TB
KC over Was
Phi over Oak
Sea over Ari
NE over Tenn
NYJ over Buf
Atl over Chi
Den over SD
10 October 2009
And Here...We...Go...
Bal over Cin
Min over STL
Phi over TB
Was over Car
Pit over Det
NYG over Oak
KC over Dal
Buf over Cle
Atl over SF
Ari over Hou
Sea over Jax
Den over NE
Ind over Ten
NYJ over Mia
01 October 2009
Was over TB
NE over Bal
Chi over Det
Ten over Jax
Hou over Oak
Cin over Cle
Ind over Sea
NYG over KC
Mia over Buf
NO over NYJ
SF over STL
Den over Dal
Pit over SD
Min over GB
26 September 2009
More Picks...Because, Well, Fuck It That's Why...
Bal over Cle
Was over Det
Hou over Jax
Atl over NE
GB over STL
NYG over TB
Ten over NYJ
Phi over KC
Min over SF
NO over Buf
Chi over Sea
Pit over Cin
Den over Oak
SD over Mia
Ind over Ari
Dal over Car
18 September 2009
Hastily Made...Just The Way I Like Them
Atl over Car
Min over Det
GB over Cin
Hou over Ten
Oak over KC
Jets over NE
NO over Phi
Was over STL
Ari over Jax
SF over Sea
Buf over TB
Pit over Chi
Den over Cle
Bal over SD
NYG over Dal
Indy over Mia
Yeah, I said it, more detail maybe with next week. I leave you this...and I'm sorry it's crap quality...
09 September 2009
On Decorum...
The shout heard round the world, tonight, during President Obama's speech to a joint session of Congress over health care reform. While there is a certain amount of decorum that goes along with attending a Presidential speech to a joint session of Congress, it is at this time that I must say this...
Seriously, that was probably the most entertainment I've gotten out of one of the President's speeches in a while, probably because he gives them way too often, and I think the President is one of the best public speakers I've heard in my life.
But seriously folks, outbursts like that are not the way to win back the White House in 2012, much less Congress in 2010, and it was a smart move for Rep. Wilson to apologize immediately to the President. Can't wait to see how this gets treated by the media...
29 March 2009
A Good Idea That Falls Short...

The control system uses the 4 face buttons and features a chain system that is similar to chain events that take place in Marvel: Ultimate Alliance and Spider-Man 3. It's cool and all to be able to make chains like that and pull of finishers through that means, but it just doesn't hold up to the controls in other WWE games. Sometimes the controls work great, and other times they lead to large amounts of frustration. I understand that they were aiming to make this game simple to just pick up and play, but is the sacrifice of a good control scheme necessary just to try and gain a few more players, especially when the control system for the other games is simple?
Controls aside, the roster is awesome. Finally, a game that features a large assortment of legends, as opposed to the 4-5 that are unlockable on the Smackdown v. Raw games. Even better, you can import rosters and created wrestlers from Smackdown v. Raw 09 and use them in the game. This leads to a massive roster and also allows for some matchups that are unable to be made just on the 09 iteration of Smackdown v. Raw. While it would have also been cool to be able to import the legends into the other game, it is understandable why they chose not to do this.
Game modes feature the Wrestlemania Tour, Legend Killer and Exhibition. In Wrestling Tour, you can relive, rewrite, and redefine classic Wrestlemania matches such as Hogan/Warrior, Austin/Michaels, Austin/Hart, Austin/Rock, Hogan/Slaughter and most fun of all, Hogan/Andre. In relive, you essentially relive the match and feature an assortment of objectives that, if met, will gain you a medal. In rewrite, you rewrite the match and change the outcome, and in redefine you can add in different match types to change the set up of the match completely. For Legend Killer, you take a created wrestler through the gauntlet and beat legend after legend, while earning experience along the way.
Overall, this game is a great premise, give the fans a game featuring nothing but legends of the WWE. But it is in the execution that this game falls short and leaves a lot to be desired. Hopefully, they can make enough to build a sequel, but make the changes to the control scheme to make it an overall better experience. Then and only then will it be a true Legend of Wrestlemania.
Holy Jesus A Review
To do this, I needed to create a system of rating, and after much deliberation the Wombat has been decided. Behold the majestic Wombat picture and revel in his glory. It will be a scale of 1-5 with 1 being crap and 5 being good, though, 5 does mean perfect and that is a rarity, so don't expect it much. So, until next time, FEAR THE WOMBAT!
28 March 2009
Another Under .500 Top Ten List...(Insert Annoyed Grunt)

I love football, plain and simple. From the first time I played Madden when I got to college, I knew I was playing a game that I would enjoy for a long, long time. Regardless of the season, this game is one that I will set aside cash for every year that it is released.
Favorite Moment: Finally beating my roommate for the first time since I met him in 2004.
8. Tetris (NES)
One of the first games I ever played, I can waste countless hours playing Tetris more than I can any other game that I have owned. Great times all around when Tetris is involved.
Favorite Moment: Anything to do with Russia involved in that game. I have never had a better source for cracks about Russia in my life.
7. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 (NES)
One of the only games I have ever played at an arcade, I spent more of my Mom's quarters on this game at the skating rink than she will ever know. Great game and one of the first XBOX arcade games I ever got, though it would not be the last.
Favorite Moment: Beating that bastard, The Shredder.
One of the only games my brother and I ever really played together that didn't end in us getting into a fight, probably because it was one of the only games we played together in which we worked together instead of against eachother. Great game and one that I gladly downloaded on XBOX Live as well.
Favorite Moment: Finally beating the game over a decade after the first time I played it, stupid broken Nintendo.
5. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (PS1)
Awesome game, awesome series, awesome story, and an even more awesome main character. Alucard, to me, is cooler than pretty much any Belmont you can find. This game was the one that got me back playing my PS1 games after playing through every PS2 game I owned.
Favorite Moment: Finally beating that damn game again when I re-acquired it after initially selling many of my PS1 games.
4. Final Fantasy VIII (PS1)
The Final Fantasy that took me 2 years to truly appreciate. The story isn't as bad as I initially had though, the music wasn't as bad as I had intitially believed, and the 4 discs definitely aren't as boring as I had originally though. The first time I tried to sit down and beat this game, I only got halfway through the first disc before getting bored. It wasn't until 2 years later that I sat myself down and saw how fun this game really is.
Favorite Moment: The Garden battle with Galbadia Garden at the end of disc 2.
3. Metal Gear Solid (PS1)
My favorite of all the Metal gear games, though I never played the first two until after this, it still holds up against the test of time after all these years. The Ninja, still my favorite, is great fun, and Psycho Mantis still creeps the bejeezus out of me. Though the fight with Metal Gear Rex is still one of my favorites of all time, it just falls short of my favorite moment.
Favorite Moment: Sniper Wolf. Enough said.

Still my favorite game of the disc era, this game is one that I could play through and start over more times than any other. It still is one of the hardest games I've played to try and get everything, and I doubt I would play it again if I did. So many moments that stand out to me as just simply awesome, from the rocket launch to Aerith's death, just a great story all around.
Favorite Moment: I know everyone will be expecting Aerith's death here, but I'm definitely going to have to say no to that one, despite how amazing it is. My favorite moment is...ok, ya got me, it is Aerith's death. Damn that was anti-climactic.
Never before have I been so dedicated to a game and never beaten it. This game is hard as hell. It was stolen and I spent a long time trying to find it again, even going as far to play it on emulators that were no comparison to playing it on the NES. Finally, I found it again and still couldn't beat this damn game. Still great fun, though. I can play it all day.
Favorite Moment: Finding this game again after a decade and still failing to beat it. Someday...

Halo Saga (XBOX/360)
Tony Hawk Saga (XBOX/PS1/PS2)
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (360)
Super Mario Collection (NES/N64/Gamecube/Wii)
Street Fighter Collection (Sega/360)
Marvel Ultimate Alliance (360)
X-Men Legends 1&2 (XBOX)
NCAA Football (XBOX/360)
All pictures found through google images, good stuff, use them. Due credit given.
27 March 2009
And people wonder why the general population hates cops. What a dick.
05 February 2009
On Pot Smoking Olympians

A few days ago, the pictures that shook a nation and took away a countries national innocence for the 50 bajillionth time were unleashed upon the interwebs. Michael Phelps took a bong hit and was photographed! Oh no, think of the children! WHY WON'T ANYONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN?!?!?
Ok, ok, maybe that is a little excessive, maybe you could call that an overreaction, but most of all, maybe you could call that the reaction that has taken place to these photos. Now, it was stupid on Phelps' part, granted it was also stupid of him to get a DUI underage, but what was the main stupid offense here? Was it that he actually smoked pot, or was it that he got photographed doing it?
When I worked in the residence halls at the university I attended, we were very much under the same scrutiny. The same way that Phelps can lose his sponsorships for being photographed doing something that our society would call unsavory or detrimental to his role model status and having it leaked to the public, I could have lost my job for doing the same thing and having it put up on Facebook, MySpace, or anywhere else. I completely feel for him on this one, but have to wonder, how stupid can the guy be?
When he got his DUI while he was underage, I had to wonder, if you're a world renowned athlete and want to get drunk, why would you not have someone to drive for you? Do you not have enough friends that you can say something to the effect of, "Hey, I want to get drunk, will you drive for me?" and be able to get a ride?
At that point, he had won a few gold medals and had some endorsement money, he could have probably even paid someone to be his driver. But that was a little over 4 years ago, now Phelps is in trouble for smoking pot. Once again, this is something that is easily avoidable as an issue. If you want to get high, do it before you go to the party. It's not that difficult to do at all, especially with who you are. I'm willing to bet that you could mooch some pot off of someone already there and smoke it out of the public view or have one of your people get some pot for you for free.
Instead of taking the easy precautions, Phelps now is facing a three month ban from USA Swimming, the governing body of competitive swimming in the United States, and he has lost his Kellogg Co. endorsement when his current deal expires. I'm sure it isn't that big of a hit to his wallet, given all of the endorsements that he has, but it's still money and the suspension still interferes with his training for the world championships in Rome in July. Just a lot of trouble that could have been prevented.
But in the grand scheme of things, is it really that big of a deal? I say, simply, that it is not. For as long as I can remember, professional athletes have been idolized by our society and been viewed role models. I cross-referenced it with my parents childhoods, and they said the same thing was going on for them as well. But how is it that an athlete like Babe Ruth can be an alcoholic and a womanizer who routinely exercised the use of hookers and still not be demonized in the public eye? Then it hit me like a wild Mike MacDougal fastball, it is all the media.
We currently live in the ESPN age, where they will report anything and everything they can to get a story, regardless of how much truth is involved. Recent memory brings to mind the Kordell Stewart being gay story, the Mike Shanahan to the Chiefs story, everything reported ever by Ed Werder and many more were all stories reported by ESPN off of a rumor. Because of this, and their itchy trigger-finger when it comes to beating a story into the ground, when ESPN gets something they do not let it go at all. Factor that in with their partnership with ABC, and you've got a mess just waiting to happen.
Back in the day, they didn't talk about the players activities outside of the field, or court, or diamond. There was discretion shown as far as what the mainstream media would report on about athletes. These days, you don't see it at all anymore and that is why we have this current situation with Phelps. A decade ago, you wouldn't have seen this with an athlete because our society has changed, permanently, thanks to the internet. Now, I can just go to Deadspin to see what other bonehead moves the athletes I watch on a regular basis are doing. If it gets enough momentum, ESPN might mention it and turn it into World War 3, it really is crazy how that works. Or, if I want to go see what athlete ESPN feels like attempting to bury, Adam Jones I am looking in your direction, I can turn it there and see what story they are either blowing out of proportion or making up completely. I could even get the picture and sell it to a paper in London thanks to our technology. The times really have changed, really, they have.
The point I'm trying to make is that in the grand scheme of things, all that the Michael Phelps story really is is a story about a dumb kid who made a mistake. So he smoked a little pot and got photographed, he didn't fail a drug test, he could have been doing something far far worse, and I'm willing to bet that everyone reporting on this story and scrutinizing him has probably smoked pot at one point or another in their life as well. Just give the kid a break already and let him get back to winning a ridiculous amount of gold medals, maybe if you smoke pot, you can too.