10. Optimal Optimus (Beast Wars)
Season 3 of Beast Wars brought on changes, one of the biggest was another transformation for Optimus Primal, no longer was he the regular gorilla or even the transmetal gorilla with the surfboard, no, he merged with the spark of the original Optimus Prime and became Optimal Optimus. Far superior to everyone else, he could become a robot, a gorilla, an ATV, and a jet...tough break to the ones that didn't get changed because everything else was unsanitary. Sadly, he kind of was a puss in Beast Machines and even though I didn't watch it a lot, I know that much so he loses points and is only number 10.
9. Bumblebee (G1/Movie 1986/Movie 2007)
I had the original Bumblebee toy...nuff said. Actually, Bumblebee was one of the less obnoxious ones from the original cartoon, and consequently, the movie...Grimlock I am looking in your direction. He was also a VW Bug, which despite being outdated and kinda gay now, was cool way back in the 80's when it first happened.
8. Megatron (Beast Wars)
Megatron in Beast Wars was a dinosaur, then a transmetal dinosaur, and then he became a dragon. He was a complete nutjob, had an overusing love of the word yes, was threatened with mutiny by his troops, and followed suit with Optimus and took the spark of the original Megatron, what's not to love? I'd give him a higher ranking, but he's also not the original, so he doesn't get much more than this.
7. Inferno (Beast Wars)
Inferno was one of the many in the show Beast Wars that came from the stasis pods that were jettisoned from the Maximal spaceship as they were crashing onto Earth. The funny thing about Inferno is that he is an ant, and he maintains the ant mentality by calling Megatron his queen. I'm sorry but that is funny right there, and not only that, but he gets dumber every season. He looked a lot cooler than he should have too, for as worthless as he managed to be for most of the show.
6. Perceptor (G1, Movie 1986)
Perceptor was actually pretty useless. I never saw him really do anything because he was more or less a scientist, so he was always doing gay science stuff instead of fighting. He was in the movie too, but was pretty useless there too. The only reason he is on the list is because of my enjoyment in what his alternate mode was, a microscope. Take it for what it is.
5. Megatron/Galvatron (G1, Movie 1986, Movie 2007)
The leader of the decepticons, Megatron was easily one of my favorites. He was a gun, an alien gun and an alien spaceship in his alternate modes and was voiced by Frank Welker, Leonard Nimoy, and to a lesser extent Hugo Weaving. He got his ass handed to him by Optimus Prime in the movie and was left for dead by the opportunistic Starscream until he got revived by Unicron who had enslaved him until the end of the movie.
4. Optimus Prime (G1, Movie 1986, Movie 2007)
Optimus is what I like to call awesome. He was a semi-truck, I had his toy, and he was the leader. Made all the other leaders of cartoon/action figure teams look like punk bitches...Duke I am looking in your direction. Despite dying in the 1986 movie, he was around for more or less everything and actually got brought back to the cartoon despite his death. He was voiced by Peter Cullen in the cartoon and now both movies as he was brought in to voice Prime in the new movie. Despite not having the combined sparks of both he and Optimus Primal, he is still so much better.
3. Unicron (Movie 1986)
A planet that is a transformer. I'm sorry, but if that is not bad ass then I do not know what is. He was the bad guy in the 1986 movie, he was a planet and a giant robot, and he brought Megatron back to become Galvatron, he also pisses excellence...as far as robots are able to piss. Not only was he all this, but he was voiced by Orson Welles. Yes, Orson fucking Welles. Holy shit he is great.
2. Starscream (G1, Movie 1986, Movie 2007, Beast Wars)
Starscream is my favorite of all the original characters. Teamed with Megatron, he provided the second half to the Decepticons that gave them the craziest leaders in all of Transformers. Not only that, he was also featured in Beast Wars on multiple occasions, has a large role in the new movie, died (but was still great) in the 1986 movie, and best of all is immortal. In Beast Wars, it was revealed that his spark was indestructible...just adding to his badass quotient.
1. Dinobot (Beast Wars)
Dinobot was originally Megatrons second in command in the Beast Wars until he was ousted from the team for challenging Megatron in which he ended up with the Maximals throughout. Dinobot was the ultimate bad ass of Beast Wars because he was the warrior, he fought until there was nothing else. Though not immune from some treachery, he joined up with the Predacons at one point in an attempt to stop Megatron from achieving his goals with the golden discs. He would meet his end shortly after while fighting all of the Predacons in an attempt to stop them from destroying the future of humanity. That episode is my favorite of the series, and the same is felt among many fans of the show. Dinobot was even cloned by Megatron and brought back as a Predacon and used to fight the Maximals until the end of the series when he came to realize who he was and he turned on Megatron again.
So there you have it, my favorite transformers. It's my list, I got the pictures from the Wiki (like i do every picture on here), and if you don't agree with it...feel free to say so in the comments.
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