I Don't Like You, But You're Kinda Getting Screwed
Baseball is one of my three favorite sports, right up there with both varieties of football. I used to go to see my Royals play every year for my birthday until I went to college, and I still go as often as I can. Baseball was a uniter in my family, my brother was great at it, my dad enjoyed it, and my mom could actually get into it. It was a better time, back when I was younger and barely knew what the hell a steroid was, back before McGwire broke Maris' record in his homerun race and back when Barry Bonds didn't look like he had obviously taken something. The sad thing about it all is, that we got duped. We all got drawn in by the spectacle of Sosa and McGwire, I did too, hell, I even had the poster chronicling eveyr home run that he hit. Baseball was declining and it came at just the right time to make it exciting and get the national interest back into the game, but the fact of the matter was that we got duped. McGwire was the same as Bonds, compare cards from the careers and you can tell, though McGwire isn't as blatently obvious. In the midst of all of the excitement we neglected to even think about how roided up those two had to have been, and we know Bug Selig didn't care, the sport was getting a renewed interest from the nation. Now Barry Bonds has been indicted, but what do they have on him? The government has been working for years to try an get him without anything, so why would they suddenly have some new information now? Were they just waiting for him to break the record? I don't like the guy, but when did he fail a test? Oh yeah, thats right, he never failed one. This isn't Major League Baseball finally making a stand when it comes to stuff like this, this is Major League Baseball engaging in the worst scapegoatism since Germany in the 1930's. I know that steroids are bad for you, but why are they focusing all of their energy on Barry when they have other guys like Rick Ankiel, Paul Byrd, Jason Grimsely, Troy Glaus and a ton of other players who have either failed tests or been implicated through some other means? It's ridiculous, and even kinda sad to think that Barry is going to be publicly crucified for something that noone can prove happened. The worst part of it all is ESPN, so quick to always bring up the questions about Barry, yet when one of your "analysts" admits taking steroids on the air you cover it up like it was Watergate. Barry, I don't like you, but you're really getting fucked on this one. At least you'll have your record for another few years...until A-Rod takes it.
WEEK 117-7 last week, not too good, but better than a scroogey communist friend of mine. 84-60 on the year, which is decent I guess, I don't really know.
WEEK 11 PICKS, WINNERS IN BOLDCleveland vs. Baltimore
Jacksonville vs. San Diego
Philadelphia vs. Miami
Minnesota vs.
Oakland Indianapolis vs. Kansas City - 2 in a row was unlikely, but 3 is not possible
Green Bay vs. Carolina
New York Giants vs.
DetroitTampa Bay vs. Atlanta
New Orleans vs.
Houston New England vs. Buffalo - As Ja Rule would say, it's MURDAHHHHHHHH
Cincinnati vs.
Arizona Pittsburgh vs. New York Jets
San Francisco vs.
St. Louis Dallas vs. Washington
Seattle vs.
Chicago - The Sex Cannon will rise again
Denver vs. Tennessee
Google images for the pic...as always
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