02 November 2007

Week 9 Picks and ESPN

Punk Bitch...That Is All

I don't like ESPN, I do believe I have made that point before with my coverage of the "Who's Now" bullshit. There are a few reasons why I don't like them, the largest of which being that they are owned by Disney, but a large second is that they take rumors and try to present them as fact. Case in point, the Kobe Bryant trade rumors with Chicago. Currently, ESPN has been reporting that there were talks to trade Kobe Bryant to the Bulls for Luol Deng, Ben Gordon, Tyrus Thomas and Joakim Noah...and I know that this has been killed by the Bulls GM just tongiht. Anyway, this idea is completely retarded for them to ever consider reporting if only for the fact that it would never, ever, happen in a million years. Kobe Bryant has trade vetoe power, so gutting the Bulls roster for him isn't going to happen. The Kobe-Hinrich-Ben Wallace team doesn't sound too good with the way Wallace played last year and I seriously doubt Kobe would stand for it. Why would he want to allow himself to go to a team that would have little more talent than the current team he is with? Thank you very much ESPN for latching on to the littlest rumor you could find in an effort to come up with something to talk about on Sportscenter since you currently don't have any bullshit promotion like Who's Now or that shitty My Wish bullshit. I almost wish you would start showing that autistic kid who nailed more 3 pointers in one night than I'm sure I have in my life. Also giving me more evidence about ESPN pulling this shit is after Ronnie Brown got injured for the season. In the lead in for Sportscenter, they proceeded to show clips of LT, LJ, Travis Henry, Clinton Portis and a few other big name backs in the league while saying that a running back was injured that past weekend that could have a huge fantasy impact. Now, I saw this on Wed, so God only knows what day it initially aired, but any football fan I know would already know that it was Ronnie Brown. So why show clips of every big name back in the league without showing one of the guy that got hurt? Hell, why are you still reporting on an injury from 4 days before and trying to be vague like you're hiding a spoiler or something? Thank you ESPN for making me hate you ever since Disney bought you and made you go to shit. Fuckin assholes.

Week 9 Picks - Winners In Bold
66-50 on the year, 10-3 last week.

Detroit vs. Denver - Win here in a shootout...pending Denver can get into the end zone.

Atlanta vs. San Francisco

Buffalo vs. Cincinnati

Tennessee vs. Carolina

Kansas City vs. Green Bay - Please, for all that is holy in the world.

San Diego vs. Minnesota

New Orleans vs. Jacksonville - Not with Quinn Gray.

Washington vs. New York Jets

Tampa Bay vs. Arizona

Cleveland vs. Seattle

New England vs. Indianapolis

Oakland vs. Houston

Dallas vs. Philadelphia

Pittsburgh vs. Baltimore

Google Images for the pic.

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